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Writing a good villain that is unforgettable

 In this post I will be sharing my opinions about my experience of writing a good villain a.k.a the antagonist in a story or a novel.  I must admit - I love a good villain. It simply gives a story an edge. I believe that the same effort devoted to writing the hero should be devoted to writing a villain. What I despise most is a lazy, card board cut out villain when the whole story has been going so well before.  A good villain lift up the story, gives the hero a challenge and give us a reason to root for somebody. Furthermore, a villain doesn't have to be a physical person. It could be a force of nature, circumstances or unexplained phenomenon, but a villain must be compelling.  ⭐Make your villains have a cause other than serve as a plot device. A fully fleshed out villain should have a cause to behave the way they're behaving even though the cause might not seem rational to the readers or even the author themselves.  ⭐Make them sympathetic but at the same time reminds us why t